
Guide/Mountain Lifeguard
Favorite site in the Caucasus
For such an extremal as Mher, the most favorite destination is, of course, the Armenian mountains.
Why guide?
This profession attracts Mher due to its eccentricity, variety, and freedom of choice.
Random Facts
Mher is a guide in Armenia with a distinguished background as a military. Combining his knowledge of country's culture and landscapes with his military expertise, Mher provides travelers with an exceptional exploration of Armenia's history and nature.
Guide reviews

Douglas Mcintyre

Hi Sati, Thank you for your assistance which has been both informative and professional. We
very much enjoyed the tour guides in Georgia and Armenia they are a credit to your
company. Days in Azerbaijan were a bit chaotic and  long  in parts.
Pleased it picked up for us after that.
Kind regards
Douglas Mcintyre

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This winter my friend and I had a great experience by trying the hiking tour to Armenia and Georgia. Even though the tour is about hiking places, we also were amazed with the cultural sites. Our tour guide in Armenia Antuan is a professional hiking guide, he is such a handy person. He knows how to deal with difficult situations and keep the safety norms. And we were lucky to have made this tour with him.

As Armenia and Georgia are surrounded by highlighands, it was a great idea to make this trip in winter. One of the spots on my wish list is completed. I did the hiking to Mt Aragats, moreover with my childhood friend.

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Carolyn Hardman

We had this trip in mind for a long time and could finally accomplish it with Arara Tour this spring. Both me and my friend are good hikers and conquering Azhdahak pick was a great achievement. Our guide Antuan was very professional, caring and enthusiastic throughout the whole trip. He was too punctual and started the tours early in the morning for us to have the best views during the day at every destination. We enjoyed camping organized quite nicely at Blue lake and Vank lake. We were provided with lunch boxes and dinners during all camping days which made it very comfortable for us. And we experienced some unforgettable views in the mornings with a cup of hot coffee.
Our time in Armenia left us with many beautiful lifetime memories. Once again many thanks Arara and everyone involved in the company for this amazing trip.

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