Public Transport in Tajikistan

Tajikistan is one of the post-soviet countries of Central Asia with a developing economy. Still, many aspects leave much to be desired. One such aspect that needs serious changes in public transportation and the road condition across the country. The largest highways of Tajikistan are Termez, Kurgan-Tyube, Khojent, Kulob, and the new Kulma - Karokurum highway that passes along the Great Silk Road. For a tourist, a piece of information about the public transport will be useful when planning a tour to Tajikistan, and as a virtual guide, we are happy to share with you some useful info.

Public transport in Tajikistan: Air flights

The capital Dushanbe and the second-largest city Kujand host international flights, still the airports are smaller than those in Tashkent, Osh, and Bishkek. There are also flights from Dushanbe to Khujand, Khorog, Kulob, Garm and Penjikent. Local flights are operated by Tajik Airlines.

Public transport in Tajikistan: Train

The slow development of the railway greatly depends on the difficult and versatile landscapes of Tajikistan. The total length of the railway is about 490km and the greatest part is in south Tajikistan. The railway is mostly used for interstate freight transportation.

Today the train connecting Tajikistan and Uzbekistan is again functioning but it is the least popular transportation due to its slowness.

Public transport in Tajikistan: Car rental and taxis

Taxi is the most popular transport in Tajikistan. Moreover, a shared taxi is a great way to save money. It is advised to agree on the price beforehand, as there are no meters in taxis. Also, for safety make sure that the taxi is officially licensed.

Car rental is more comfortable yet it can be rather challenging to find a rental car in Tajikistan. More often, such companies have no free cars. The price may be higher than expected. Due to poor road conditions, only SUV will be suitable for trips. It is advised to book a car months before the arrival in case you are planning to travel by car.

In the winter part of the remote regions are isolated and become hard to pass. In spring, the situation becomes worse due to rockslides and mudslides. The best season for driving in summer when all the regions are available.

Public transport in Tajikistan: Bus, trolleybus, and marshrutka

Dushanbe is the largest city in Tajikistan, still, it is relatively smaller than other capitals of Central Asia. There is no underground in the capital and available types of public transport are buses, marshrutkas, and several trolleybuses. One of the characteristic features of public transport is the colour; all the vehicles are green and they look very harmonious.

The operating hours of public transport are not stable and they are rare in remote districts of the capital. Nevertheless, public transportation is the cheapest means of transport.


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